Live Learning:  
Make In Class Viewing More Insightful and Interactive

Live Learning is a powerful way to watch videos together in a class or room — whether you’re projecting a video on the front screen, or sharing it directly to student devices in real time.
Try Live Learning Now

How it works

Live Learning takes less than 60 seconds to set up: instructors and teachers stay in control while students stay engaged. Seamlessly play, pause, ask questions, collect responses, and guide discussion — all while capturing valuable insights into student understanding.

Choose or Create a Video

Select a video from your library, YouTube, or Screencastify creation.

Add Knowledge Checks

Create or Use our AI Questions to add knowledge checks in seconds.

Show the video in class or a room, Live

Play, pause, and skip — students follow along in sync, either on the front screen or their own screens.

Engage students and Capture Instant Insights

Gamification & competition drive engagement. See who’s participating, who’s struggling, and which moments need review — all while teaching.

Why Instructors and Teachers Love Live Learning

Instant Feedback = Smarter Teaching

See who’s participating, who’s confused, and what needs review right away — no waiting until after class.

No More Passive Watching

Built-in AI generated quick polls and questions keep students thinking, responding, and learning during the video — not just watching. Competition and Gamification.

Built-In Reporting

After every session, student responses are automatically saved, giving you a quick record for grading, progress monitoring, or parent communication.

Works with Any Setup

  • Projector & Screen: Play to the whole class, lead a guided viewing experience.
  • 1:1 Devices: Push video to student Chromebooks or iPads, students follow along with captions.
  • Remote & Hybrid Ready: Everyone stays in sync, whether they’re in the room or at home.

Traditional Viewing vs Live Learning


Student Engagement

Traditional Viewing

Passive watching
One Screen for all

Live Learning - Screencastify

Active responses & discussions
Push to devices or project
Captions, Multi-languages & screen reader friendly
Automatic Reporting

reach out to learn more

Contact us at for more information.