engage and assess students with Interactive Questions
Create more compelling content and gain insight into their understanding of the content by easily adding multiple choice and short answer questions to videos.

millions of teachers & students use Screencastify to create amazing videos
turn any video into an assignment
Easily add custom multiple choice and short answer questions to any timestamp in your video. Test student understanding:
- Weight questions (assign different point values to each question, including 0)
- Set due dates for questions
- Remove responses so you can reuse the assignment or allow students a second try

measure student understanding
Analytics of questions and answers make it easy to see how well students understand video content. Become data-driven:
- Instantly get analytics on student comprehension
- View answers and scores individually or across the class
- Adjust your lessons based on what every learner needs
use questions for formative assessment
Add questions to videos to check for understanding, encourage student reflections, and more. Check in with students:
- Add short answer questions worth zero points
- Empower students to reflect and explain concepts in their own words
- More easily personalize learning

add interactive questions
easy grading workflows
Highlight past due responses, sort responses by grading status to see what's left to grade, and export grades.
promote student comprehension
Add Interactive Questions anywhere in the video so you can be sure students are understanding important points.
personalize your teaching
Fully customize your questions and answers and fully understand how each student is doing.
security made simple
Rest assured that only you will see how students perform on each video you share.
join millions of screencasters today
Screencastify Record is the simplest screen recording tool for educators, personal, or professional use. Record video free
frequently asked questions
You can create up to 10 videos with Screencastify Record. We also have flexible plans for those who want to create more videos.
Yes! You can also record your entire screen and embed your webcam if you choose. In addition, you can record webcam only.
Yes! You can record whatever is on your computer screen.