Declining a meeting can be a delicate task. You might have a busy schedule or you might feel obligated to attend depending on who makes the request.
While it’s occasionally a necessity, it can be handled with tact and respect while still ensuring that you’re communicating as needed.
One option that can be particularly helpful in these situations is asynchronous video, which allows you to communicate and collaborate with others without the need for a live, real-time meeting. Here are tips on how to decline a meeting respectfully, while making use of asynchronous video:
1. Be prompt ⏱
It's important to be prompt in your response to a meeting request, especially if you need to decline the meeting. By responding as soon as possible, you can help to avoid any miscommunication or confusion, and show that you value the person's time and efforts. Even if you just need to check your schedule before giving a final answer, it's a good idea to let the person know as soon as possible. This way, they can plan accordingly and potentially find an alternative solution if necessary. Being prompt in your response also demonstrates professionalism and respect for colleagues. It's a simple but effective way to maintain strong working relationships and manage your own time and priorities effectively.
2. Be clear and concise💡
When it comes to declining a meeting, it's important to be clear and concise about your reasons for doing so. This helps to avoid any misunderstandings and allows the person who requested the meeting to understand your perspective and potentially find an alternative solution. If you're unable to attend due to a conflicting commitment, it can help to explain this clearly and offer an alternative time if possible. Creating asynchronous video can be a great alternative in situations such as this. This shows that you are willing to work with the person to find a mutually convenient solution, even if you can't attend the original meeting.
If you're unable to attend due to workload or other priorities, it's important to be honest about this, but be sure to communicate it in a way that is respectful and professional. It's okay to prioritize your own workload and responsibilities, but it's important to do so in a way that doesn't come across as dismissive. By being clear and concise in your explanation, you can effectively communicate your position while still maintaining a positive and respectful relationship with the person who requested the meeting.
Examples of respectful responses include:
- "Thank you for the meeting request. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend due to a conflicting commitment. Could we schedule a different time that works for both of us?"
- "Thank you for the meeting request. While I would love to attend, I am unable to due to my current bandwidth. Is there another way that we can address the issue at hand, like by sharing a video recording?”
- "Thank you for the meeting request. While I am unable to attend the meeting, I am happy to share my thoughts on the product in a video recording along with written feedback.”
3. Suggest asynchronous video 🎬
If you're unable to attend a meeting due to a conflicting commitment or other priorities, consider suggesting the use of asynchronous video as an alternative. Asynchronous video allows you to communicate and collaborate with others without the need for a live, real-time meeting, which can be a great way to address the topic or issue at hand.
There are several tools available for creating and sharing video recordings, such as Screencastify (see the video above), which can be a powerful on-demand communication tool. By suggesting asynchronous video as an alternative to a live meeting, you can still contribute to the discussion and collaborate with your colleagues, even if you're unable to attend in person. This can be particularly useful if you have a busy schedule or if you need to communicate with people in different time zones.
Asynchronous video allows you to communicate on your own time, which can be more convenient and efficient for all parties involved. Additionally, asynchronous video can be a useful tool for communication and collaboration in a variety of contexts beyond just declining meetings. Consider using it for one-on-one conversations, team updates, project presentations, and more! By embracing asynchronous video as a key part of your communication and collaboration strategy, you can save time, improve efficiency, and foster better working relationships with your colleagues.
Examples of respectful responses include:
- "Thank you for the meeting request. While I am unable to attend in person, I am happy to contribute to the discussion through asynchronous video. This can be a great way to communicate and collaborate on the topic or issue at hand, without the need for a live, real-time meeting. Let me know if this is something that you're open to and we can discuss the details further."
- "Thank you for the invitation to the meeting. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend due to personal commitments. Could we instead share a video recording to address the issue at hand that we can watch when we’re free?”
4. Communicate effectively 📢
Specify a deadline for responses or feedback: By setting a clear deadline, you can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that the meeting stays on track. This can be particularly important if you're working with people in different time zones, as it helps to avoid any delays or misunderstandings.
Outline the specific topics or issues that you would like to discuss: By outlining the specific topics or issues that you would like to discuss in the pre-recorded video meeting, you can help to ensure that the communication is focused and productive. This can help to avoid any unnecessary tangents or distractions and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.
Clearly communicate any other expectations or preferences: In addition to setting a deadline and outlining the specific topics or issues that you would like to discuss, it's also important to clearly communicate any other expectations or preferences that you have. This could include things like the preferred format for the video (e.g. screencast, recorded video, etc.), the length of the video, or any other details that are relevant to the meeting.
Examples of respectful responses include:
- "Thank you for considering my suggestion to use asynchronous video as an alternative to the live meeting. To ensure that the meeting is productive and efficient, I would like to specify a deadline for responses or feedback. Could we aim for all responses or feedback to be submitted by the end of day on Wednesday? This will give us time to review and discuss the information before our scheduled meeting on Friday."
- "I'm glad that you're open to the suggestion of using asynchronous video as an alternative to the live meeting. To ensure that we stay on track and focused, I would like to outline the specific topics or issues that I would like to discuss. Could we focus on discussing the progress of project X, as well as any challenges or obstacles that we're facing? This will help us to stay focused and ensure that we're working towards our goals."
- "I appreciate your willingness to use asynchronous video as an alternative to the live meeting. To ensure that the meeting is productive and efficient, I would like to clearly communicate a few other expectations or preferences. Could we use a screencast format for the video, with a maximum length of 20 minutes? Additionally, could we aim to have all responses or feedback submitted by the end of day on Wednesday, so that we have time to review and discuss the information before our scheduled meeting on Friday?"

5. Respect others' time 🗓
This is essential when suggesting the use of asynchronous video as an alternative to a live meeting. By being mindful of others' schedules and availability, you can help to ensure that the meeting is convenient and efficient for all parties involved. Here are a few tips for respecting others' time when declining a meeting.
- Avoid sending meetings requests or feedback at unreasonable hours: It's important to be mindful of the time zones and schedules of the people you are working with.
- Be sure to respect any deadlines or expectations that have been set: If you have specified a deadline for responses or feedback, be sure to respect it. This helps to ensure that the meeting stays on track and that everyone is working towards the same goals. It's also important to respect any other expectations or preferences that have been communicated, as this helps to create a productive and efficient working environment.
- Consider the length of the project and the amount of feedback required: When suggesting asynchronous video as an alternative to a live meeting, consider the length of the video and the amount of feedback required. If the video is too long or the feedback requested is too extensive, it can be overwhelming and time-consuming for the other parties involved. By being mindful of these factors and adjusting accordingly, you can help to respect others' time and ensure that the meeting is convenient and efficient for all parties involved.
By following these tips and being mindful of others' schedules and availability, you can effectively decline a meeting and in some cases suggest asynchronous video as a convenient and efficient communication and collaboration tool while still respecting the time of your colleagues.
Use asynchronous video for more than just meetings: pre-recorded video can be a powerful tool for communication and collaboration, and it can be used in a variety of contexts beyond just declining meetings. Consider using it for one-on-one conversations, team updates, project presentations, and more. By embracing asynchronous video as a key part of your communication and collaboration strategy, you can save time, improve efficiency, and foster better working relationships with your colleagues.
Declining a meeting can be a challenging task, but by being prompt, clear, and gracious, you can do so in a way that is respectful and professional. By following these tips, you can maintain strong working relationships and effectively manage your own time and priorities.
Plus you can start using Screencastify today to simplify your meetings!