While working with young and special needs students is rewarding for Eowyn Durham, it also poses unique challenges. And those challenges only grew during the pandemic.
The elementary learning support teacher at Upper Dauphin Area School District needs diverse and unique tools to enable her to use video recording in her lessons while also protecting students’ privacy. However, the tools must be simple enough for students as young as kindergarten-age and parents of any skill level to interact with immediately.
✂️ Screencastify Edit to the Rescue!
In early 2020, Eowyn, along with countless other educators, was forced to pivot to remote and hybrid learning models. She needed a quick and secure way to create videos for students who were inside and outside of the classroom without a steep learning curve.
So when the Upper Dauphin Area School District turned to Screencastify’s video creation suite of tools including Record and Edit, she got exactly what she needed.
With Screencastify, Eowyn is able to use Edit to protect privacy by:
- Cutting entire sections of the video with the cut tool
- Removing unwanted portions of what’s on screen with the crop tool
- Using the blur tool and text boxes to conceal information

This was crucial as it was a district policy that each lesson be recorded and shared, which brought added privacy challenges with students often appearing on-screen.
“I often record my entire screen, so with the Edit tool I can go back and crop the Zoom or Google Meet video so the students' faces were not shown and their names not heard,” she said. “And with the blur tool, I’m able to maintain privacy by obscuring the messages that can pop up while recording my screen.”
Eowyn also leverages Edit features such as crop, zoom and the text tool to maximize the effectiveness of her videos for student learning.
“With the Edit zoom tool, you can emphasize what you really want the video to show and with text, you can add something different to kind of keep the students engaged and interested in the video. And if I need to edit out moments of silence, I can cut that out and get to the point more quickly for the students unable to attend.”
💡 Simply Securing the Best Learning Outcomes
Eowyn has experience in photo editing with other tools but was quickly pleased with how powerful yet simple the Screencastify Edit tool is. She’s also been pleasantly surprised with the ease-of-use for colleagues with less tech experience.
“I was really excited when I learned about Edit. And as the year has progressed, and the additional features that came about — I was even more happy to use it and share it.”
The average teacher saves 24 minutes per day on tasks like grading, class prep, professional development and administrative work. And with access through Upper Dauphin’s district-wide license, Eowyn sees Screencastify as a future timesaver for her with the ability to continuously re-use instructional videos.
All of this while maintaining student privacy and improving learning outcomes with Screencastify Edit.
Try Screencastify Edit free today!