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Jun 18, 2024

Empower Student Voices Safely and Effectively with Submit

Jessie Chapman
Customer Success Manager

Reflecting on the 23-24 school year, one of the biggest wishes we hear from coaches, administrators, and teachers is: how can I support student creation in the classroom?

In-person presentations can pose different challenges for different learners and grade levels. How can my less-extroverted students feel comfortable enough to share their thoughts? What happens when “stage fright” gets in the way of an otherwise thoughtful group share?

Screencastify Submit is the answer to differentiated learning and assessment within a safe (technologically and emotionally) place.

Teachers can create their own or use a templated assignment. Let’s take preparing for a debate as an example and securely assign via Google Classroom or any platform of their choice through a magic link. Edit the viewer settings to allow for students to review others’ videos, just their own, or none at all. With Screencastify Submit teachers have the ability to customize the assignment to their learners’ needs. 

In return, students use their preferred device with a microphone and camera (iPads work well with Submit) to record their answers privately and send directly back to their teacher. All their customized work lives in Google drive for review and easy organization. 

If you’re looking for inspiration, our Submit Templates are a great place to start!

Jessie Chapman
Customer Success Manager

Always lending a helping hand to ensure your Screencastify experience is seamless.