The ISTE 2021 theme was “Designing a New Learning Landscape”.
It was an appropriate theme as, once again, the edtech conference attended by thousands of educators, administrators, technology coordinators, curriculum directors was held in the new virtual landscape.👩💻
There were hundreds of presentations, featuring powerful voices from education and beyond, sharing inspiring stories about how innovations can change lives and improve learning for students.
We’ve outlined some of the ISTE 2021 sessions that we found interesting. Check them out below!👇
Unleashing Student Creativity with Google Slides
What It Was About: Google Slides is more than just a tool for traditional presentations. Students can be truly creative with Google Slides for "Choose Your Own Adventure"-style stories, interactive quizzes, online comic strips, digital storybooks, video mashups, peer feedback, stop-motion animation, drag-and-drop manipulatives, formative assessment and more. Register or login to watch this session.
Facilitating Practice and Generalization of Skills Learned Via Tech
What It Was About: Technology implementation requires flexible, on-demand professional learning. VOISS Advisor is an online platform designed to support educators as they facilitate student use of a virtual reality environment to learn and practice social skills and then, practice and generalization of learned skills in physical settings through methods, models and videos. Register or login to watch this session.
Storytelling to Lift Marginalized Voices
What It Was About: You can create a culturally relevant and inclusive classroom by helping students tell stories about the incredible contributions of diverse individuals. Stories meant to amplify marginalized voices in history are important! The “In My Time” Video Project showed how it can be applied in any grade level or content area. Register or login to watch this session.
Screencastify offers ways to celebrate LGBTQIA+ icons and voices for Pride Month:
Many Faces of Digital Storytelling
What It Was About: The are numerous genres of storytelling that can be done digitally. Elements of book trailers, public service announcements, nonfiction narrative docudramas, podcasts, vision videos, as well as numerous curricular applications are reviewed are just a few. Register or login to watch this session.
EdFLIX and Chill
What It Was About: Creating customized videos to augment your classroom makes your content more accessible and engaging to all learners. These videos can be created using free tools available to everyone. Participants walked away with a product along with skills to create video content beyond the session. Register or login to watch this session.
Let's Hear It from the Kids!
What It Was About: Audio and video recording tools can be used as a method for students to reflect on their learning, practice their reading and communication skills, and to present information to others. Teachers can use these same tools for formative assessment and support their instruction. Register or login to watch this session.
Creating Videos to Document a Student's Journey
What It Was About: Just a few simple tips jumpstart video creation. Giving your students the tools, skills, and confidence to take an authentic audience on a learner journey through mastered content with video creation is easy. Attendees received a variety of resources to infuse video creation into their classrooms. Register or login to watch this session.
See how students can track their own “journey” this summer with Screencastify Record:
How to Create Tutorials for Students
What It Was About: Attendees learned about best practices for tutorial creation including how to create slideshows with instructions and screencasts with step-by-step guides. They also explored the “value add” of teacher-created tutorials that provide students with information to reference throughout the school year. Register or login to watch this session.
Student V.O.I.C.E With Choice — Reach All Learners
What It Was About: Technology tools can be used to provide your students with a voice in the classroom to empower their learning by giving them choices to creatively express themselves while demonstrating their understanding of the concept. This session featured: Minecraft, Flipgrid, Screencasting, Touch Cast and many more tools. Register or login to watch this session.
See how Screencastify Submit gives every student a voice:
Using Video Creation to Reimagine Learning
What It Was About: Video creation is a powerful tool for learning. Attendees discovered practical ways to incorporate video creation and teach global communication skills through student-created video and shift students from consumers to creators. They also heard one student’s story of video creation through pandemic learning to develop powerful communication skills through video art. Register or login to watch this session.
Try Screencastify in your classroom today. Sign up free!