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May 14, 2021

How to Use Video to Celebrate Teachers and Students

Jarrod Rice
Content Lead

While Teacher Appreciation Week has passed, there is never a bad time to celebrate educators!๐Ÿ‘

In our latest webinar, Screencastify professional development manager Nefertiti Dukes demonstrated some of the awesome ways that video can be used to honor teachers, students or anyone else youโ€™d like to give a shout out.

You can watch the entire session here, and you can also check out some great tips from the webinar below!


Tip 1: Get Submissions

During our session, we shared some special teacher shout outs in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Get a hands-on demonstration of just how easy it is to collect your own videos to share much-deserved praise!


Tip 2: Celebrate Student Mastery and Achievements

Students love to receive individual notes that show their progress or outline a well-done assignment. But these notes can be forgotten or lost at the bottom of a packed backpack. With a video note, students will gain words of encouragement that they can keep their entire life. See more of the ways that you can celebrate students with powerful videos.


Tip 3: Honoring Your Education Community

Incredible things happen everyday at your school community โ€” inside and outside of the classroom. Immortalize those hallway decorations and celebrate the accomplishments of everyone with just a few clicks. Check out some awesome ideas on how you can honor your entire school community!

These are just some of the ways that you can use video to celebrate teachers and students and give a shout out for their accomplishments. We can't wait to see all of the creative ways that you celebrate each other! ๐ŸŽ‰

Celebrate with Screencastify in your classroom today. Sign up free!

Bring video to your school and celebrate!
Jarrod Rice
Content Lead

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